From: AlertsList at (Firearms Coalition)
Date: Thu Apr 26 13:06:52 2007
Action demands counter-action and the Brady's latest campaign needs to be answered. Gun rights activists have proven over and over again that they can overwhelm politicians with calls, letters, and e-mails and we need to be doing so right now.
An unusual opportunity has been brought to our attention and I wanted to share it with our subscribers.
Our good friends at The Leadership Institute are expanding their college conservative outreach program and they are looking for 70 dynamic young people to recruit, train, and assist conservative students on college campuses in developing effective conservative activist organizations. Continue reading Job opportunities for recent college graduates!→
(18 June 2007)Cory Maye.Kathryn Johnston.Salvador and Carlota Celaya.Those are just a few of the lives ended or wrecked in botched police raids that combined military tactics, bad intelligence, poor judgment, and an appalling lack of judicial and civil oversight.
Write your Representative today, call your Representative on Monday!
The House Appropriations Committee is expected to vote on the Tiahrt amendment sometime next week, possibly as early as Monday.
Whether your Representative serves on the Appropriations Committee or not, it is important that he hears from you, urging him to do whatever he can to ensure inclusion of these important protections in the BATFE budget appropriation.
Mayor Mike Bloomberg and the Brady Campaign Against Guns have made defeat of Tiahrt their number one target in this session of Congress, turning what should be an administrative matter into a contentious political issue. Continue reading Action Needed on Tiahrt→
In a surprise move, the US House of Representatives today passed a bill which provides incentives for states to enhance and computerize criminal and mental health records and make such records available to the FBI's National Instant Check System (NICS).
While The Firearms Coalition has consistently opposed previous versions of this bill, we do not oppose the bill as it was passed by the House today. Continue reading Surprise Action in the House→
Take action now. Write to your Governor and the Attorney General and then write to your Senators and Representative. Forward this alert to every gun rights activist and organization you know then send it on to veterans and veterans' organizations because they are among the most severely impacted. The national gun and veterans' organizations and most of the state groups have either completely missed or conceded this issue. Only your immediate action can stop the momentum of this steamroller.
I would have written a shorter letter, but I didn't have time.
The Firearms Coalition does not rent, loan, sell, or otherwise redistribute its contact lists to any third party, whether private or governmental. Please don’t ask. We promise to exercise due care in handling whatever personal information you may entrust to us.
(Manassas, VA, 5 June 2007)The antics of New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg, rather than raising questions about the integrity of federally licensed firearms dealers, should be raising questions about the expectations and legal liabilities placed on those dealers.Current law appears to require a dealer and all of his employees to be skilled mind readers, able to accurately determine the relationship, intentions, and honesty of each of their customers.The penalties for poor psychic abilities can be personally and professionally devastating, including up to 10 years in prison and a quarter-million dollar fine – for each count!It is time for gun-voters to demand some relief for these beleaguered businesses.