Sesame Street/NRA-ILA Contribution Tie-In

Something for the "Oh, for pity's sake!" file from the Philadelphia Daily News.  What I love is the way the newsies twist it around to where Elmo's threatening someone…


NRA -Sesame Place tie draws gun-foes' fire

By GLORIA CAMPISI 215-854-5935

Put the gun down, Elmo.

That's the war cry of gun-control advocates after learning that a National Rifle Association Web site is offering discounted tickets to Sesame Place and other kid-friendly theme parks – in return for donations to the NRA's political arm, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA).

"This is a very strange thing, the connection between guns, the NRA and Sesame Place," said Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire NJ. "It looks to me like a PR nightmare."

"There is no conflict of interest by having the theme-park tickets available," said NRA spokeswoman Ashley Varner.


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Executive Member

Are you an officer of a club or state association?  The Firearms Coalition is looking for organizations to affiliate with us.  There's no charge to the club.  We are a grassroots assistance organization.  We aren't the guys from Headquarters.  We know that the guys on the ground know best how to run tactics in their own state legislature, county board, or city hall.  We're here to help, not to direct.  Send a note to us via the Contact Us link.  Let's talk!


Jay Knox
Executive Director
The Firearms Coalition 

Publishing CCW Lists

Our friends at Buckeye Firearms Association, responding to the Sandusky Register publishing a list of Ohio CCW holders by publishing the personal information of the reporter under whose byline the story appeared.  Read about it at  "What harm coul possibly come from publishing those lists?"  "Doesn't the public have a right to know?"  Well, there are examples of real harm.  We have to wonder where exactly the public interest crosses the line into intrusion.


Ammunition for the grassroots gun rights movement