NSSF: OSHA Rules Threaten Firearms Industry

This is from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.  This is only the latest attempt to attack firearms via the regulatory route.  The poster child of this tactic is the various attempts (the most recent that I'm aware of was in 1999) to put the Consumer Product Safety Commission in charge of firearms.  


Update:  See also http://www.firearmscoalition.org/new/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&Itemid=37 

Proposed OSHA Regulation Threatens
Firearm and Ammunition Industry

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the government agency charged with assuring the safety and health of America's workers, is proposing a regulatory rule affecting the manufacturing, transportation and storage of small arms ammunition, primers and smokeless propellants. Continue reading NSSF: OSHA Rules Threaten Firearms Industry

AZ Governor Vetoes Pro-Rights Bills

SB 1251, which would have strengthened the "public establishment or event" storage requirements that were passed last year and capped CCW permit fees at their current level, and SB 1166, which attempted to make it clear that the legislature intended to apply the 2006 "Castle Doctrine/Burden of Proof" legislation to all cases pending at the time it was signed, were vetoed by the Governor on July 2, 2007.  You can read her veto letters here:





Continue reading AZ Governor Vetoes Pro-Rights Bills


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UN-Helping Jamaica

    (Manassas, VA, July 2, 2007)  The United Nations and the Jamaican government have announced plans for UN assistance to restore order and reduce the island nation’s sky-rocketing crime rates.  Violent crime, particularly “gun violence” has been growing steadily since the Jamaican government passed a complete ban on private possession and ownership of firearms in 1973. 

      Often criticized for exporting marijuana that feeds U.S. drug markets, Jamaicans are now criticizing the United States and other gun-producing nations for feeding their crime problems.

      With the UN’s track record for nation building, it is likely that Jamaica

Continue reading UN-Helping Jamaica


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AZ: Preservationists File Suit Against Kofa Water

This is a report from the Yuma Sun quoting a press release from preservationist groups.  How establishing water sources in the harsh western Arizona desert environment in the midst of a drought endangers the desert bighorn is left as an exercise to the reader.


 — Chris Knox


June 28, 2007 – 11:11PM

Conservationists have filed for a temporary restraining order with federal court to prevent any refuge actions that ignore public involvement. The action followed an investigative report released on the declining Kofa bighorn sheep herd, according to an Arizona Wilderness Coalition and Wilderness Watch press release.   Continue reading AZ: Preservationists File Suit Against Kofa Water

Job opportunities for recent college graduates!

An unusual opportunity has been brought to our attention and I wanted to share it with our subscribers.

Our good friends at The Leadership Institute are expanding their college conservative outreach program and they are looking for 70 dynamic young people to recruit, train, and assist conservative students on college campuses in developing effective conservative activist organizations.
Continue reading Job opportunities for recent college graduates!

Ammunition for the grassroots gun rights movement