Google Lightning Link Plans Image Search Return Results 4-25-2023
Tombstone, Arizona – On Friday, April 21, 2023, Kristopher “Justin” Ervin and Mathew Hoover were found guilty on charges related to the selling of illegal machineguns, based on Ervin’s sales of credit card-sized pieces of 18 gauge stainless steel sheet with etchings of “Lightning Link” parts laser engraved on the front. Hoover advertised the cards on his YouTube channel called “CRS Firearms.” Continue reading Auto Key-Card Case Ruling is a Travesty of Justice→
Anti-gun Mayor (and potential presidential candidate) Mike Bloomberg and his group “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” have created a television commercial purportedly intended to generate momentum for closing the so called “gun show loophole.” What the ad will do more than anything else is highlight Sen. John McCains betrayal of gunowners when he made a commercial on behalf of Citizens for Gun Safety supporting legislation to close the imaginary loophole several years ago. From a political standpoint, only McCain is damaged with this new ad which is scheduled to air in candidates home states and in Pennsylvania prior to their April 22 Primary. It is a safe bet that GunVoters will respond negatively to the spot and it will make it even harder for McCain in his efforts to woo this important voting block. The timing of the Bloomberg spot suggests that it is intended to damage John McCain and remove GunVoters from the election equation in November. Could this be a proverbial artillery barrage to soften up the beach before Bloomberg launches his own campaign for president? Maybe, or perhaps it is a payback for some perceived wrong of the past. Whatever the reason, McCain is going to discover that it is painful to shoot yourself in the foot – especially when that foot is firmly planted in your own mouth. McCain supplied the gun and ammo and put his own foot in his mouth and now Bloomberg is pulling the trigger.