Tag Archives: NRA

A New Day Dawns at the NRA, Are Reform Efforts Paying Dividends?

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istock 861879906

The NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Dallas were held between May 15 and May 20, 2024, including meetings of various committees of the Board of Directors throughout the period, the Exhibit Hall with various seminars and presentations on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the Annual Meeting of Members on Saturday, and a meeting of the NRA Board of Directors on Monday.

The big news came from the NRA Board of Directors meeting on Monday, May 20, in which the leadership of the NRA changed hands.

With the exception of the presidency, reform candidates ran the table resulting in a new direction for the 153-year-old Association. First Vice-President Bob Barr beat out a strong challenge from Owen “Buz” Mills, a retired businessman and the owner of Gunsite Academy. The 1st VP chair was filled by reform candidate Bill Bachenberg. The 2nd VP chair went to reform candidate Mark Vaughan, and in the most surprising election, the position of Interim Executive Vice President and CEO went to reform candidate Doug Hamlin over popular firearm designer and manufacturer Ronnie Barrett. Continue reading A New Day Dawns at the NRA, Are Reform Efforts Paying Dividends?

Mining for Iron in Dallas: 2024 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits

2024 NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits
2024 NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits

“As iron sharpens iron, so does one person sharpen another.” ~ Proverbs 27:17.

As I prepare to head out to Dallas for the 2024 NRA Annual Meetings and Exhibits, I’m thinking about the years I’ve spent banging my head against the stone wall that has been the NRA establishment and the frustration I’ve felt seeing good people shunned by the NRA Board and its “leadership” for having the temerity to question certain policies and activities within the Association.

Since my election to the NRA Board last month, I’ve noticed some shift in the way my soon-to-be fellow Board members deal with me. I don’t become an official member of the Board until the meetings in Dallas, but my election was a major milestone, and I’m ready for the difficult work to come.

The first order of business will be to convince my fellow Directors that I’m not the enemy.

Continue reading Mining for Iron in Dallas: 2024 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits

All Four Reform Candidates Win Seats on NRA Board

2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates Whos Who
2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates Whos Who

NRA election results are in. Not only were all four of our “Four for Reform” candidates for the NRA Board of Directors elected, each winning a 3-year seat, but we almost swept the top spots.

Ronnie Barrett, the founder of Barrett Firearms, came in with the highest vote count, as everyone expected, but he was followed closely by Judge Phil Journey and Rocky Marshall, both reform candidates who got on the ballot via petition of the members. The next seat went to Wayne Anthony Ross of Alaska, a former Vice President who’s been on the Board since 1980. I rounded out the top five. Our fourth reform candidate, Dennis Fusaro, came in at a respectable number 16.

All in all it was a stellar performance for complete outsiders with no internal NRA organization support.

As I said during the early days of the campaign, getting one “insurgent” candidate elected without the support of the establishment is extremely difficult, but getting two or three elected, much less four, is damn near impossible. The fact that all four of us were elected, with three of us in the top five, should send a loud and clear message to the Board that the members are ready for some serious changes. Continue reading All Four Reform Candidates Win Seats on NRA Board

NRA Foundation Dodges a Legal Bullet in Washington, DC Legal Battle

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iStock DNY59 184998497

A settlement has been reached in the case of Washington, DC v. NRA Foundation. The case was set to go to trial on April 29 but was settled on April 17th, 2024.

The settlement agreement is very modest (embedded below), requiring the Foundation to create an Audit Committee to keep an eye on the organization’s books. Do annual training for directors and officers regarding their legal responsibilities to the Foundation, and institute stricter policies regarding conflicts of interest and any payments, grants, or loans to the NRA. It also requires some reporting to the court for a couple of years.

In the original complaint, filed back in August of 2020, at the same time New York Attorney General Letitia James filed her lawsuit against the NRA and several of its top executives, the DC AG summarized his accusations as follows: Continue reading NRA Foundation Dodges a Legal Bullet in Washington, DC Legal Battle

Time’s Running Out to Save the NRA, Voting Members Must Act Now

2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates Whos Who
2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates Whos Who

Your Vote is Desperately Needed in this year’s NRA Board of Directors Election.

There are only four (4) candidates on the ballot who have been vocal advocates for reform within the NRA, and without your help, those four candidates will not win seats. Ballots must be received by April 28th, 2024, which means they must be in the mail by April 24 or 25 at the latest.

A brief window will open in July, during which a judge will decide what steps are needed to repair the damage of decades of corruption and failed leadership within the NRA.

Leading up to that judge’s decision, the NRA Board can take steps to help guide the reorganization of the NRA, stop the corruption, return power to NRA members, and restore the NRA.

Continue reading Time’s Running Out to Save the NRA, Voting Members Must Act Now

Don’t Forget All The National Rifle Association’s Other Lawsuits….

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iStock-udall30 1401677883

Arguments were heard by the US Supreme Court on Monday, March 18, 2024, regarding allowing a lawsuit filed by the NRA against a New York state official to go forward.

The National Rifle Association won a procedural argument in District Court that would have allowed the case to proceed, but that decision was reversed in the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Now the Justices will decide whether to reverse the Appeals Court’s decision and let the case go back to the District Court to continue to trial. The good news is that the SCOTUS Justices seemed to agree with the NRA’s position, challenging the assertions of the New York attorney, and nodding along with the presentation from the NRA’s attorney. In a surprise twist, the attorney representing the NRA is from the ACLU. He and his organization have disavowed the NRA and its mission, but say the case is more important than the organization. The Biden Justice Department chimed in, warning that siding with the NRA could limit regulators’ ability to influence companies, but conceded that the NRA had a solid case, at least in part, and that the case should be allowed to go forward.

BUT, don’t get this case confused with other NRA cases that are going on….

Continue reading Don’t Forget All The National Rifle Association’s Other Lawsuits….

Former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Has Cost the Gun Rights Movement North Of A Billion Dollars

Wayne and Co Bomb Going Off
Wayne and Co

Former CEO of the NRA, Wayne LaPierre, has finally admitted virtually everything that he’s been accused of over the past five years, and a jury has found him liable for padding his own pockets to the tune of $5.5 million.

LaPierre’s hand-picked Treasurer and Chief Financial Officer, Woody Phillips was also found liable for $2 million in personal profit at NRA members’ expense, and the NRA itself (really the NRA’s current Board of Directors) was found to have failed in its fiduciary obligations to shepherd and safeguard the members’ assets. Keep in mind that none of this really takes into account the millions paid to “consultants” with nothing of substance to show for it, or the hundreds of millions spent on lawyers and the losses in membership and revenue over the past five years.

All told, the bogus spending and lost income amount to something north of a billion dollars!

Now, New York Acting Supreme Court Justice Joel Cohen has the difficult task of deciding how best to remedy the situation. Unfortunately, there’s an important absence in Justice Cohen’s courtroom: the members of the NRA! Continue reading Former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre Has Cost the Gun Rights Movement North Of A Billion Dollars

NRA Board Elections: Support the Four for Reform Candidates

2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates
2024 NRA Board Election Reform Candidates

Four candidates dedicated to reforming the troubled NRA will be on the ballot for election to the NRA Board of Directors this year. Judge Phil Journey, Rocky MarshallDennis Fusaro, and me, Jeff Knox, all qualified for the ballot by petition of the members.

We are encouraging people to vote for only these four and no one else. This is called “Bullet Voting” and gives your votes more weight, increasing the odds of us winning seats.

Ballots are supposed to be in the March issue of NRA magazines for those members eligible to vote.

Winning a Board seat without the support of the current regime at the NRA is historically close to impossible.

Continue reading NRA Board Elections: Support the Four for Reform Candidates

NRA Board Bullet Voting , What is it? Why Do It On Your NRA Member Ballot

Gun activist Jeff Knox explains the process and purpose of NRA Board Bullet Voting.

NRA Board Bullet Voting
NRA Board Bullet Voting, What is it? Why do it?

As various National Rifle Association magazines containing ballots for the NRA Board of Directors Election begin arriving in people’s mailboxes in mid to late February (if you get a ballot, you’re eligible to vote; if you don’t, you probably aren’t).

There’s a lot of talk about the value of one vote, and the mechanics of the NRA ballot. I won’t discuss who is the best candidate but how to make sure your vote is as effective as possible in support of your favorite candidates for the board.

Voting in NRA elections is weighted.  Each voter has, in essence, 25 votes (sometimes a few more, if there are seats that were vacated during the term), but you can still give only one to any given candidate.  Using all 25+ votes lessens the value of each vote somewhat.  Voting for only a few candidates increases the impact of those few votes.  Let me explain.

Continue reading NRA Board Bullet Voting , What is it? Why Do It On Your NRA Member Ballot

Charles Cotton Must Never Be Allowed to Head the NRA!

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Charles Cotton Video thumbnail for YouTube video owiu_dvygkov

With Wayne LaPierre’s announced resignation as Executive Vice President and CEO of the National Rifle Association at the end of the month, the NRA Board of Directors has an opportunity to reverse course and revive the flailing organization.

Instead, there’s a move afoot, to keep the lunatics in charge of the asylum by replacing LaPierre with the one person on the Board who has done the most to enable LaPierre’s corruption and to protect him for the past several years –NRA President Charles Cotton.

Cotton is a Texas attorney who has served as the NRA’s Audit Committee Chairman for over the past decade. The Audit Committee is an incredibly important committee of the Board of Directors responsible for ensuring that the Association stays on the straight and narrow in all of its dealings. Along with working with outside auditors to ensure the Association’s books are in order, the Committee is responsible for reviewing all contracts, investigating all potential conflicts of interest, dealing with all whistle-blower complaints, and ensuring that the organization operates according to applicable laws and Association policies. In other words, the Audit Committee is supposed to be the watchdog that guards the NRA’s money and reputation. Continue reading Charles Cotton Must Never Be Allowed to Head the NRA!