We found the text of a Resolution put forward by the NRA Finance Committee recently, and we believe, passed by the Board. We believe this to be an accurate copy of the resolution, but have not been able to verify it or other details with NRA HQ yet. Since almost everything done at NRA Board meetings these days is done in closed-door, Executive Session — binding Directors to secrecy — it’s difficult to keep up with their actions.
It seems, based on some of the language of this resolution, that it is, to a large degree, a CYA action, authorizing Wayne to do exactly what he’s been doing for years in direct violation of Board policy.
WHEREAS, in May of 1989, the NRA Board of Directors adopted the following motion proposed by the NRA Gun Collector’s Committee:
MOVED, that all firearms received through bequests, donations and other means be reviewed by the NRA Gun Collectors Committee to determine items suitable for museum accession or deaccession. Furthermore, that after such review all firearms deemed in excess or suitable for deaccession may be sold or disposed of after consultation with the Finance Committee in a manner best serving the interests of the National Rifle Association, with such funds received from the disposition to be earmarked for museum purposes.; and
WHEREAS, the NRA subsequently established the NRA Office of Advancement to cultivate significant donations to the NRA and its affiliates, including donations of firearms; and
WHEREAS, the NRA also subsequently established its Firearms for Freedom Program, whereby individuals can donate firearms to the NRA and its affiliates to further the missions of these organizations; and
WHEREAS, the NRA Office of Advancement and NRA General Operations established a set of NRA Gift of Firearms Program Policies and Procedures, taking into account the growth of NRA museums and of NRA fundraising (including the Firearms for Freedom Program), as well as the wishes and intent of donors; and
WHEREAS, the acquisition and disposition or use of firearms donated to the National Rifle Association were then undertaken in accordance with the NRA Gift of Firearms Program Policies and Procedures.
WHEREAS, the May 1989 resolution may conflict with the wishes and intent of donors who may want their donated firearms, including any funds received from the disposition of such firearms, to fund or otherwise support other NRA programs or activities; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the May 1989 resolution is hereby rescinded; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Executive Vice President is hereby directed to continue or establish such procedures governing the gift of firearms as may best protect the assets of the National Rifle Association and maximize the value of firearms donated to the National Rifle Association and its affiliates, taking into account both the value of such gifts to NRA museums and the value to the National Rifle Association and its affiliates of the disposition or use of any such firearms.
Just received my latest rifleman magazine with voting ballot. I am waiting for Jeff’s suggestions on who to vote for. Hopefully we can get some accountability back to gun rights
My spouse and I voted via write-in for Jeff Knox, Tombstone, Arizona as our votes for NRA Board Of Directors.